GHS Announcements 12-4-23

Monday, December 4, 2023

Donate to Healing Waters International:

Attention all students: Did you know that water is essential to life and therefore all people should have access to safe, clean, affordable water, no matter where they are and no matter who they are? Spanish 3 students will be collecting spare change this week to donate to Healing Waters International, a program that helps provide clean water to countries around the world! They hope to collect change to make a change. Please donate your spare change today and help save lives!

Seth Ernst Memorial Soccer Slam:

Registration is now OPEN for the 17th annual Seth Ernst Memorial Soccer Slam!  Get together with your friends, come up with a creative team uniform, and register soon at

GHS Men play Saturday, February 24th and GHS Women play Sunday, February 25th.For the Love of the Game, join us for a fun-filled day of soccer and amazing sportsmanship!

Senior Hall of Fame:

Congrats to the Class of 2024 Senior Hall of Fame!! Pictures will begin this week, and the list of winners are posted outside of Room 17 and 26. You will need to coordinate with your fellow winner and come up with some creative/fun ideas for your image, so it is not just the two of you standing side by side. If you need help coming up with some ideas, please let us know!! Please see Mrs. Anton or Mrs. Brewer to schedule this picture, or it will not be featured in the yearbook. 


Dance Marathon 3 Dodgeball Tournament:

The 2nd Annual Dodgeball Tournament to support Dance Marathon 3 will take place on December 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Gym.  Teams of 6 are invited to pick up sign up forms and liability waivers from Mr. Kelly’s Room (Room 28)  Cost is $5 per person and $30/team.  Sign up soon and get your team theme/costumes ready!  Remember - Kid’s Can’t Wait!

Foreign Language Club Meeting:

Attention Foreign Language Club Members: Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 5th in room 3 at 7:35 a.m. Bring a friend, and hope to see you there!

Silver Cord Volunteer Babysitting Dates:

GHS is hosting Pre-School Family Nights from 5-7 p.m. on November 15th, December 12th,  February 8th, and April 15th. Any students wishing to volunteer helping young children with activities and games is encouraged to sign up in the Front Office. Students will be able to earn Silver Cord hours.  Please sign up in the Front Office.

Silver Cord Opportunity:

Park District volunteer opportunities and contact information are listed on the announcement bulletin board across from the Front Office.

Here are the main dishes on our lunch lines:

Darnall's Diner

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce & Garlic Bread

French Bread Pizza 

Green Machine Grill



French Bread Pizza 

Green and White Deli

Deli Sandwiches


Chef Salads
